Hypnosis Frequently Asked Questions
​​Do you treat other issues, as well as anxiety?
Yes, I work with a wide variety of issues and am renowned for excellent results. Anxiety is my specialist area as it is often the root cause of most issues and is on the rise both at work and in home life.
Is hypnosis safe?
Yes. It is a safe, natural part of human experience. Always protected by our subconscious, hypnotic trance is a part of everyday life. We are already proficient in its use; we simply don’t recognise it.
Who can be hypnotised?
Just about everyone if they choose and can concentrate for the few moments it requires.
What is it like to be hypnotised?
In experiencing altered states it should be acknowledged that trance is slightly different for everyone. Most find it extremely pleasant, enjoyable and relaxing, saying they’ve never felt so agreeably relaxed and comfortable before.
What can hypnosis be used for?
Having many uses, it is scarcely possible to list them all. It is successful with weight control, stopping smoking, pain control, stress management, sexual, social and psychological problems. It also improves sports, learning and business skills. It also can be used to enhance creativity and as a stimulus to help people gain insights into their life or business.
Should I use hypnosis as an alternative to seeing my doctor?
No. It is not an alternative to seeking medical care. Hypnosis is a COMPLEMENTARY therapy and should be used in partnership with conventional medicine. Your doctor’s training in diagnosis cannot be replaced by the hypnotist; check out health problems first with your doctor; most do, then you can combine physicians and hypnotherapists methods.
Can I be forced into a trance?
No. It is a state of mind that needs your co-operation. No-one goes against their own unique code of behaviour in hypnosis. Many children are exceptionally good at entering trance, but only if they choose. When teenagers are brought for therapy by parents – the practitioner stands little chance unless he/she makes a “contract” with them, “I will only work with you if you want to, it must be your own individual choice”
Am I too strong-willed to be hypnotised?
Strength of will plays no part in the process.
I’m too intelligent to be hypnotised!
Wrong – intelligence plays no part in the ability to be hypnotised.
Will the hypnotist be mysterious and use a swinging watch and other paraphernalia to hypnotise me?
No. A competent hypnotist needs no airs, graces or spookiness. It is highly unlikely that any swinging watches, flashing lights or gimmicky props will be used, nor weird rituals needed. The hypnotist is likely to be perfectly normal, probably just talking you into a pleasant, enjoyable trance.
Do hypnotised persons lose control of themselves?
Quite the opposite, the client is in control of their trance and will do only that which seems right and helpful.
Can I get ‘stuck’ in a trance?
No. It simply doesn’t happen. Many enjoy being in hypnosis so much, they sometimes are reluctant to return to a normal state of awareness, but they will come out of trance as soon as they are ready. Even if they’re determined to stay indefinitely, the hypnotic state turns into ordinary sleep, and they shortly awaken feeling refreshed and relaxed.
Will I be in the hypnotist’s power?
Certainly not. Hypnotists cannot force anybody to do anything against their will. You can choose not to comply with any disagreeable suggestion. Many are very much more determined and assertive than in their normal state of being.
Will I reveal any secrets?
No. It’s not a truth drug. You choose what to reveal, moreover you can lie in trance!
Could the hypnotist take advantage of me in any way?
No. He/She has no more opportunity to exploit than a hairdresser, doctor or local shopkeeper. But, just as it is important to find a competent hairdresser, etc., it is equally important to make sure you have a good and capable hypnotist.
How are the hypnotists trained?
The training hypnotists receive is varied, depending on which school they attend. Some are only trained in direct suggestion; others have a broader selection of therapeutic techniques. All my training was hands on, face to face practical application. Hypnosis is a very practical skill and although much study can be taught through correspondence/online courses, it does require a practical face to face component to be taught effectively. To ensure the practitioner of your choice has sufficient training, interview him/her over the phone or face to face.
Can the hypnotist tell exactly how many appointments I will need?
No. A good hypnotist will tailor sessions to the individual, which are unique to your needs. Experience shows that for certain issues an average of 3 sessions are required while for other issued an average of 6 or more may be required. For this reason the programs offered are based on these issues. And of course the option to 'pay as you go' is given allowing freedom of choice and flexibility.
Is hypnosis a ‘one shot’ treatment?
By no means. On occasions many do get great benefit from a single session. Smokers rarely need to go more than once and often phobias can be cleared in one session. Trust your judgement – you can go back whenever you please.
Does hypnosis work for weight loss and getting fit?
Absolutely yes, especially when combined with exercise and good food. Our mental attitude towards food holds the key to long term success.
Yes. you can park on the driveway, directly in front of the office.
I am happy to re-book any appointments with reasonable notice, however please note any no-show/cancellation made within 24hrs will be charged a £30 cancelled session fee. I kindly request that appointments cancelled within 24 hrs pat the missed session fee promptly. Although I often have waiting lists, filling appointments less than 24hrs in advance is tricky. As a small business, cancellations directly affect the day to day running of the Practice. Thank you in advance for supporting this policy.
Inner Peace Talk Therapy needs to collect and use personal data about clients in order to carry on its business and meet its customers’ requirements effectively. The company recognises that the data which it collects is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998, with regard to its collection, processing, storage and distribution.
1.0 Policy Objectives
The policy has been established in order to:
(a) Publicise the principles contained in the Data Protection Act 1998.
(b) Ensure responsibility when collecting, processing, storing and distributing data.
(c) Ensure that Inner Peace Talk Therapy adheres to its legal obligations.
2.0 Principles
For the purpose of this policy, Inner Peace Talk Therapy are the 'Data Controller' and the Client is the 'Data Subject'.
Inner Peace Talk Therapy intends to comply with the 8 principles set out in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 1998 when processing data. These are as follows:
(a) Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.
(b) Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
(c) Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which it is processed.
(d) Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
(e) Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
(f) Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Act.
(g) Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
(h) Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.
This notice will be reviewed on a regular basis as required.
Inner Peace Talk Therapy is fully compliant with GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulations)
​Covid-19 Safety at Inner Peace Talk Therapy
Covid 19 Clinical Course Safety Course completed with 100% PASS MARK (taken on 9th June 2020).
If you (or a member of your immediate family) are feeling at all unwell please rearrange your appointment, I will also rearrange if I or any of my immediate family are unwell.
Please bring your own water to drink if you require it.
Hand sanitiser is available to use before and after your session. Feel free to bring your own if you prefer.
The toilet in the house is unfortunately unavailable until further guidelines are released.
Thank you for your understanding as we ensure we keep each other and our families safe.​